SuperPowers are real!
Find out what yours are and how to use them

SuperPowers aren’t just for superheroes. You can bring your unique set of superpowers to every relationship issue and find super results. You likely don’t even know what your powers are, because to you, they come so naturally, you just take them for granted - like anybody could do that.
But no - your superpowers are definitely not universal. And just like Wonder Woman, it’s time to lean into them, because, well because you can.

Before another minute goes by, just imagine for a moment, you have a conflict at work, a disagreement with your partner, an argument with your teenager. You walk into a phone booth, from another time and place, shrugging off your everyday street clothes to reveal your very own super suit - cape, armor, bustier! Breathe in that super hero air and prepare to take on...your family, your job, the next step for you.
Curious? Spend just three hours with Perfect Avocado Retreats and your superpowers will be revealed, and more importantly, you’ll know how to use them. Right now, you might be like Peter Parker aka Spider Man, not really knowing how to use your new found ‘spidey’ senses. But with Pam and Amy, you’ll own your innate strengths.
This is by far the most fun class we offer! Don’t miss this chance to act from your authentic self - and it’s easy! No 21 day challenge, no workshops - just three hours, virtually from your own bat cave. But, make no mistake - it’s meaningful and it’s just for you.
All this from the comfort and safety of your own home 3:00pm-7:00pm Eastern on the dates below
Scroll to the bottom of this page to hear what people are saying about this virtual retreat.